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We are passionate about words and worlds unknown, and seek to bring together a robust writing community of like-minded creatives.

Cosmica Editorial Magazine was born out of a mutual love of fantasy and sci fi, and most importantly, a love of stories. Cosmica is an illustrated quarterly magazine all about writing, reading, and creativity. We designed this magazine to be for young adults, specifically female and non-binary individuals, to highlight voices like theirs in the world of science fiction and fantasy. Every single detail of this magazine was passionately created by us - every word, background, ad, icon, illustration - from scratch.

Created in collaboration with incredible illustrator, Rachel Denbina, and with thanks to Jasmine Jessen, Maria Taylor-Carrier, Basil Calic, Danielle Wade, and Trisha Loehr for their profile and interview contributions.

ignite your imagination.


As well as the variety of departments in this magazine, both Rachel and I were individually responsible for a major feature article. For my feature, I wrote a creative fiction story about a pair of space smugglers who have to work together despite their better judgement (and uneasy history with each other). I also put together a digital painting for the front of the feature as well as more graphic-style illustrations for the rest of the feature.

© 2022 by Kim Claussen. Created with

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